The Bartlett
Autumn Show 2024
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Ebb & Evolve

Project details

Unit RC14
Year 1

The project envisions life in a flooded London within the River Lea area, addressing the critical need to prepare for and adapt to challenges of rising water levels. The project begins with a meticulous site selection process, emphasising the strategic importance of the area as a microcosm of urban resilience challenges.

Through comprehensive site analysis utilising supervised and unsupervised machine learning algorithms, the team identified suitable locations for interventions aimed at enhancing city resilience, including urban farming, cultural industry development, biodiversity restoration, and improving accessible mobility and public space. These interventions are informed by a diverse range of datasets, comprising population and building density, biodiversity scores, and integration values, to ensure their effectiveness in addressing the challenges posed by flooding.

Design strategies centred around the use of light, flexible, inflatable, and floatable structures are proposed. These offer responsiveness to changing environmental conditions. Ebb & Evolve envisions a more resilient and adaptive urban future in the face of the climate emergency and environmental uncertainty.



Climate Change and Urban Vulnerability

Uncharted Waters

Uncharted Waters

As the climate emergency accelerates, London, like many cities, faces increased flood risk. However, this challenge offers opportunities to reimagine urban design, creating cities that not only withstand water but thrive in harmony with it.


Reading the Waters: Mapping Flood Risks in London

Macro-Level Analysis

Macro-Level Analysis

Macro-level flood analysis reveals the impact on transport, economy, and vulnerable groups. Unsupervised machine learning (ML) shows diverse clusters, from which the River Lea was chosen for its socio-cultural, ecological, and flooding dynamics.

Distilling Data: Pinpointing Vulnerable Zones

Distilling Data: Pinpointing Vulnerable Zones

A selection of datasets was used to find the vulnerable regions along the River Lea. Based on this, seven different zones were identified and studied. Unsupervised ML tools were also used for the meso-level analysis.


Decoding the River Lea: Data Driven Narratives

Flooding Simulations

Flooding Simulations

A flooding simulation at meso-level helps envisage potential conditions of inundation and flooding.

Types of Programmes

Types of Programmes

Combined data of industries, population density, integration values, and biodiversity scores were used to categorise areas into 'biodiversity functions,' 'commercial and communal functions,' and 'cultural industry functions'.

GAN and Design Distribution

GAN and Design Distribution

Generative adversarial networks (GAN) analysed building density, coordinates, and income data to assess flood resilience. Low-resilience areas were refined by filters, and clustering identified high-priority zones for targeted interventions.

Types of Interventions

Types of Interventions

Design strategies for varying site conditions use 'Light' and 'Flexible' structures for adaptability. Guided by 'protect' or 'connect' principles, these interventions either link people to safe zones or provide protection during floods.

Design Optimisation: Generative Algorithm

Design Optimisation: Generative Algorithm

The function that each point would serve was determined using a generative algorithm, tailoring interventions to the site’s needs.

Form Explorations

Form Explorations

Extensive form exploration ensures that the outcomes are versatile, adaptive, and ready to face the challenges posed by flooding, creating safe and resilient urban environments.


Design Strategy

Dividing the Waters: Zones of Flood Resilience

Dividing the Waters: Zones of Flood Resilience

Based on micro-level flooding simulation and clustering analysis, the area was divided into three distinct zones.

Connecting the Dots

Connecting the Dots

Based on previous analysis, three primary axes emerge, pinpointing the core areas. The three main zones are integrated using these axes. This layout ensures efficient navigation and utilisation of space, setting the stage for development.

Design Process: Protect and Connect

Design Process: Protect and Connect

Preserving key buildings, pathways were overlaid along the axes: commercial, biodiversity, and community. Four types of Interventions align with these axes, protecting heritage, residents, biodiversity. and information exchange.

Design Intervention Typology


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The Bartlett
Autumn Show 2024
24 September – 6 October
Coming soon